Main Functionalities of Implio?

Implio allows you to simplify and optimize moderation processes by combining automation and an easy to use manual review panel. This, in conjunction with the ability to get moderation insights, delivers an integrated tool for all your moderation needs.


While your site is growing and more user generated content is flowing in, you will soon get to a point where automation of your content moderation becomes necessary. Implio decreases the speed from creation to moderation and reduces requirements for manual moderation.

How does it work?

Rules are applied to all items that are sent into the system and a decision is taken based on the result of the rules. This decision could be Approved, Refused or Requires Manual Moderation.

Manual Review

Automation allows for much of your content to be immediately published, but it seldom solves all your moderation needs. Manual Moderation is needed to make sure the rules takes correct decisions and for content that cannot be automatically moderated.

Implio was build to simplify this entire process and through years of expertise we have developed a great solution for manual moderation.


Metrics is critical for a successful content strategy and Implio gives you real-time stats on how much is getting Approved and Refused. All to help you understand what your users are posting.  

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